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Interim Management & Non-Executive Directors: Service

Interim Management

Steady The Ship

Sometimes companies need to manage issues outside their current capacity or their capabilities. This is where Interim Management may be the route for you.


Swindon Consultants offer Interim Management Recruitment Services across a wide range of functions and industries. Interim Managers are experienced, highly qualified, hands-on, pragmatic executives with the skills and abilities to deliver an immediate and lasting impact, all have deep sector knowledge and business experience, allowing them to understand the intricacies of each specific assignment.


Things Interim Management can do for your business.

In brief, here are a few of the things Interim Managers can do for your business:

  • deliver outcomes,

  • implement change,

  • fill unexpected gaps,

  • restructure the organisation,

  • turn around under-performing projects or divisions or deliver a critical project.

Interim Management have a track record of taking initiative, are organisationally aware, with excellent project management and communication skills. They are generally sensibly over-qualified for the assignments they undertake and have extensive functional and industry experience. They have successfully addressed similar issues to those faced by their clients.

An Interim Manager could assist in a period of transition or change by temporarily assuming any of the functions that would be the responsibility of Executives or Project/Program Managers. Some examples include:

  • Project Management

    • Expansion into a new market

    • Factory relocation

    • Start-up or closing-down of a division

    • Handling of a new activity or project

  • Implementation of a new strategy

  • Implementation of a new technology


  • Gap Management

    • Sudden loss of a senior executive

    • Organisational changes

    • Overstretched Management

    • Management of rapid growth

    • Management of a start-up

    • Change Management

    • Going through a merger, de-merger, or acquisition

    • Rationalising, downsizing, or restructuring

    • Embarking into a major program of cultural change within the organisation


  • Turnaround Management

    • Manage a crisis or a turnaround

    • Turnaround underperforming businesses or divisions

    • Recover failing projects / programmes

Strategy, Swindon Consultants

Advantages of using Interim Management.

The main advantage of Interim Management is a business result brought about by instant access to high calibre management talent that can add value beyond the scope of the assignment.

Companies facing change must move quickly and manage the risks, but experienced change managers are hard to find, and costly compromises often result in the delaying of critical issues. An organisation might find itself in a transitional period where there is an immediate need for senior management capabilities, but the organisation is not ready or not able to fill that need with a permanent position or when the management needs have not yet become clearly defined.

An Interim Manager becomes a full member of the management team of the client company for the duration of the Interim Management assignment. As an independent expert, they will operate as part of your team, rather than as an employee of an external organisation.

Interim Managers tend to be sensibly over-qualified for the assignment so that they are immediately effective. Research shows that the costs for Interim Managers are recovered at least threefold on average, making them a very cost-effective option.

We at Swindon Consultants are able to quickly fit in with a diverse range of cultures and working environments. We have first class people skills and an ability to grasp situations quickly, engage staff and make an immediate impact.

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